Many Law of Attraction and manifestation teachers suggest acting ‘as if’ in order to achieve goals.

There are dozens of articles and books preaching the ‘fake it till you make it’ approach.

Some say that achieving what you desire is as easy as pretending you are already living it and then somehow this will magically become your life.

It would be great if that actually worked!

If we could vacation in a 10,000 square foot home where we could sit in the giant leather-clad office and bark on the telephone “buy all the shares of that stock, I know it will make me millions“, and then wake up the next day and be living that kind of lifestyle… then we would all be taking out loans for vacation rentals and not college education.

The real point is to experience a glimpse of the same feeling you’ll have when you have attained your dream.

Instead of acting ‘as if’ to attract what I want, I prefer to think of it as acting ‘as in’.

Embody/enter/experience the essence of what you desire and you will become a magnet to draw it into your life.

This is how you can leverage the Law of Attraction to take care of all the details for you (instead of trying to do everything yourself and getting exhausted in the process).

The process I’m about to share has worked wonders for me and for hundreds of my clients and course participants. Try it out and get ready to be amazed!

“The Universe does not know whether the vibration that you’re offering is because of something you’re observing or something you’re remembering or something that you are imagining. It just receives the vibration and answers it with things that match it.”

~ Abraham-Hicks

Stop Acting'As If' Law of Attraction

1. Identify what you want.

Decide what you’d like to invite into your life.

Let’s say I want to attract the perfect business partner. If I took the advice to act ‘as if’, that might mean writing emails to a future business partner, opening a celebratory bottle of champagne and pouring glasses for two people or in some way pretending I have someone to collaborate, strategize and celebrate with.

I find that this approach frequently backfires because it can activate a feeling of oh-God-I-want-this-so-bad-but-it’s-not-here-yet-and-it’ll-never-get-here… And that just repels the manifestation that I want.

2. Focus on why you want it.

So instead, ask yourself: ‘Why do I want a business partner?’ and ‘In what ways will this experience please me?’

I usually write out all of the reasons my life would benefit if I were living this desired reality. Then I tease out and identify the core feelings that I will feel when I already have the manifestation.

Maybe I imagine that when I have my dream business partner I will feel so much more supported and empowered, more focused on having fun and enjoying my business, and excited about growth.

3. Find a way to experience what you want now.

When I’ve identified my core-desired feelings of fun, success and ease, I look for ways to embody those feelings in my life now.

I might consider how I can have more fun in my life and decide to deliberately schedule hanging out with a friend who I always have a blast with. As we are having fun together, I may acknowledge that I’ve stepped into the together-we-have-even-more-fun-than-alone mode that I’ve been seeking.  So I am living my core desire.

If I want to feel more successful in a partnership, I might think about a relationship that already feels like it adds a lot of excitement, collaboration and success to my life. For me, one example is my marriage.

By the 10th thing I’ve thought about or written appreciating how my wonderful husband adds to my life, I’ve convinced myself that I am great at attracting amazing people into my life who I love to co-create with. And if I can do this in my personal relationships, then of course I can do it in my business!

Another one of my favorite ways to embody my core-desired feelings about a specific situation is to do a guided meditation or visualization. You can YouTube specific guided meditations or visualizations, there are thousands of them.

When I couldn’t find anything I liked while searching for ‘ease visualization’, I decided to record one myself (get it for FREE by leaving your email in the box below)!

Now when I want to feel more trust, space and flow in any area of my life, I just hit play and enter a space where I am experiencing the feeling that I want, even though nothing in my life has changed in those 4-minutes.

During the time I am focusing on these core-desired feelings and hearing words that take me right to the heart of what I want, I am living those emotions as reality.

And my brain can’t tell the difference between imagining it and living it, and I begin to shift my point of attraction (perspective) to attract people, circumstances and opportunities that will bring my intention to reality.

Eventually it becomes clear that the only reason I want something is because I want to feel ease, abundance, love, relief, etc… some core feeling.

But since I can feel those feelings now (through remembering experiences where I’ve felt them or doing a guided visualization), there isn’t such a rush to get to the manifestation. And the great irony is that once I am not forcing something to happen, it can easily flow into my life.

That, my friends, is what Abraham-Hicks call the ‘Art of Allowing’ or ‘The Science of Deliberate Creation’.

4. Celebrate being a deliberate creator.

By the time I finish these alignment practices, I feel super clear on why I want what I want AND I feel totally capable of achieving it… now the ‘work’ is done.

I know that in a matter of days or weeks I will be toasting to a new relationship with the perfect business partner who will add more fun, success and ease into my life.

And the best part is that I manifested this person deliberately and am now feeling even more capable and empowered to achieve what I desire!

Now I would love to hear your thoughts.

Let me know by leaving a comment below: Has acting ‘as if’ worked for you? How has your perspective on manifesting shifted with the idea of ‘acting as in’?

Deliberately ease-ful,


P.S. Please share this with anyone who wants to understand how to manifest what they truly want!