If you have been feeling sad and tender over the holidays, you are not alone. This week has been heavy for me.

Maybe it’s because I have years of miserable, lonely and painful holiday seasons behind me.

Maybe it’s because I feel that I would love to have this amazing community around me to celebrate the holidays with (that I can see so clearly in my vision, but haven’t yet allowed into my life).

Maybe because I have been focusing on the amazing things in my business and not noticing the early requests for healing from certain parts of me.

One thing is certain though, I am feeling a deep call for self-care and for receiving love and nurturing from others.

I journaled, I did some yoga, I ate some delicious home-baked goodies the neighbors gifted us for Xmas. Still feeling lethargic and emotionally distraught.

So as I sat fidgeting in my meditation today, I decided to focus on appreciating instead of wanting to be appreciated. I went for a walk with my dog and called many people that I adore… wishing them Merry Christmas and letting them know why they mean so much to me… some I haven’t talked to for months…

And the amazing part is that the responses I got were so full of love, appreciation, upliftment and adoration, that in the end I received exactly what I was looking for… by giving it out myself.

So if you are like me and are doing a little extra processing and healing over the holidays, know that you are not alone. Add an extra dose of self-love to your holiday plate.

And know that it will get better, especially if you focus on the magic already here.