Confession: recently I got caught up in the hype of ‘helping the world’ through my work.

If you spend time in coaching and speaking circles, you’ll find that there is a lot of talk about wanting to inspire and transform people.

Some would even go so far as to say that their whole mission is to heal others and that they are selflessly devoted to this cause.

This might sound harsh, but I’m gonna call bullshit on that.

I don’t believe that we as human beings are capable of doing anything selflessly. The reality is we can’t take ourselves out of the equation while living in these bodies, on this planet.  We are selfish = always seeking to feel good, be definition and by design.

Everything we do is because we believe it will make us feel better by doing it.

Having children is utterly selfish. I became a mother because I wanted to experience being a mother, be awed by the creation of life, and grow personally and spiritually.

Donating time and money to support others is completely self-serving. It makes me SO happy when someone’s face lights up as they are receiving a gift and feeling loved. I feel better about myself when I uplift others.

And anything that I do in my business is totally selfish. I ain’t no saint and that’s a good thing.

Being selfish is wired into us

I believe that being selfish (which is different from self-centered or ignorant) is sacred. In following our natural desires and inspirations, we reveal the gifts that we were born to share with the world.

For example, I thought that I was selfless when I worked for a company that offered success coaching to university students.  I loved that job, but I wasn’t encouraged to coach in the way that felt natural and most powerful to me.

When I tried to ‘selflessly’ follow the company protocol (and get paid crap for all the hours I devoted), I not only cheated my students from the most powerful and healing experiences together, I cheated myself.

That’s why I’ve committed to running my business in the most selfish way possible.  

And unlike the puritan thinking that if we follow our natural inclinations, we’ll just be lazy sloths that eat bon bons and have sex all day (which doesn’t sound too bad for a few hours, but not as a lifestyle!), everyone I’ve ever met wants to be valuable and productive.

I’ve experienced that I can give the greatest gifts to the world precisely when I am focusing on pleasing myself most.

Nothing makes me squeal with joy more than seeing my coaching and mastermind clients experiencing momentous ahas and feeling more in love with themselves.

The bliss of sharing my guided meditations, videos or blog posts and knowing that they might add ease, clarity and alignment to someone’s life… that’s the greatest gift in the world!

And I figured out a while ago that if I create products and services to fix you, and not purely for my own bliss, then I see you as less than what you could be.

And I’d rather see you as whole and perfect. I’d rather know the truth of your magnificence just as you are in this moment.

After all, a caterpillar is not an imperfect butterfly – it is perfect just as it is, at every stage.


If I created my programs to offer you remedies for what you are ‘suffering’ from, then I would be seeing you as needing my help. And I would put a whole lot of pressure on myself to deliver something that is outside of my control.

Your joy, your alignment, and your growth is always your decision. The best I can do is offer you what has worked for me and for hundreds of others.

So I do those things in my business that fulfill me at a deep soul level.

The irony is that when we create something from a pure motive of self-inspiration, those that resonate with it are drawn like moths to a flame.

No wonder hundreds of participants have been praising the huge transformation they’ve experienced through my online programs!

When we fill our own cup, and keep it full, we have so much to share with the world!

Now tell me: what do you think about being selfish (or as I call it self-full)? Did you grow up with the idea that it’s bad to put your well-being first? Please leave a comment below!

Sacredly Selfish,
